intro to aerial silks
Maximum Participants: 5
Adult Class
No Experience Required
Interested in exploring aerial... BEGIN HERE
No experience is required, all students welcome. Introduction to Aerial Silks is designed to teach you how to be self aware on the apparatus, use your core and arm muscles while staying close to the ground. You will learn basic skills in aerial silks, wraps, foot locks and standing. You also learn how transition in and out of poses.
This intro class consists of a group warm-up followed by practice on the silks, which focuses on building strength and endurance, while introducing you to this art.
All classes are for 18 and older.
Aerial Hoop
Maximum Participants: 5
Adult Class
Lyra/Aerial Hoop is a metal hoop
that is suspended from a single or double point. While mastering the basics and turning every which way on this apparatus, you will discover the center of gravity in many different positions. You will learn how to move from different positions with grace and ease while gaining strength and control to advance in this apparatus.
All classes are for 18 and older.
Silks I
Maximum Participants: 5
Adult Class
**Must have taken Introduction to Aerial Silks prior to taking this class.
This beginner class consists of a group warm-up followed by aerial warm-up on the silks, which focuses on building strength and endurance. The class then progresses to to climbing and basic movements, poses and tricks on the silks to become familiar with the fabric so you may advance on this apparatus.
All classes are for 18 and older.
Silks II
Maximum Participants: 5
Adult Class
**Must have taken Intro to Aerial Silks I and be approved by instructor prior to taking this class.
This level II class consists of a group warm-up followed by aerial warm-up on the silks, which focuses on building strength and endurance. The class then progresses to learning beautiful tricks and poses. Working on transitions and sequencing. It combines aerial silks training with a fun and artistry.
All classes are for 18 and older.
Maximum Participants: 5
Adult Class
No experience is required, all students welcome. Mixed Level Sling is designed to teach you how to be self aware on the apparatus, use your core and arm muscles. This mixed level class starts with a warm up, and some light conditioning. The class will then focus on various poses, transitions and tricks, helping you build endurance and gain strength.
All classes are for 18 and older.
Maximum Participants: 5
Adult Class
**Must have taken Introduction to Sling prior to taking this class.
Sling helps build a strong core from which one can transition into new positions and exercises. This flow centers around control and precision, with a diversity of exercises and modifications to help you master the basics of sling. With this class, you will learn the discipline to transition you moves to beautiful acts, while also remaining mindful as you learn the skills advance.
All classes are for 18 and older.
Maximum Participants: 5
Adult Class
This class is only for current Aerial Hippie students.
**Must have taken Intro to Aerial Silks I and be approved by instructor prior to taking this class.
This mixed level class of Aerial silks, consists of a group warm-up followed by aerial warm-up on the hammock, which focuses on building strength and endurance. The class then progresses to learning skills to stand, hang and wrap yourself in the loop with fluidity. As you become more comfortable, you can learn drops, inversions, slides, spinning for building sequencing.
All classes are for 18 and older.
Aerial Conditioning
Maximum Participants: 5
​Adult Class
**Must have taken Intro to Aerial Silks I and be approved by instructor prior to taking this class.
Experience the benefits of aerial conditioning at Aerial Hippie. Our class will help you get the most out of your aerial practice by focusing on cardio warm-ups, floor exercises, flexibility training, and strength training on silks. With a focus on mastering your technique, our class finishes with a cool down stretching session, leaving you feeling stronger and more flexible.
All classes are for 18 and older
Maximum Participants: 5
Adult Class​​
Experience the ultimate in flexibility training with FLEXY FLOW. This hip-opening yoga flow class is designed to help you achieve the flexibility and strength needed to master splits and open up your hip muscles. With a class warm-up, deep hip stretching, and a group cool down, you’ll be on your way to unlocking your full potential in no time. This is an essential class for anyone looking to enhance their flexibility.
All classes are for 18 and older